Monday, 29 March 2010

Pre-Production - Location Report

The majority of our video will be shot in the one location but using them in different manners for different shots. The hall was going to be used for the audition sequence for the strippers but as mentioned in my initial ideas section we had a change of heart. This picture of the hall was one of many we took on location scouting. The video will now be shot in various rooms around my house in Admaston, as shown here courtesy of google maps. We chose my house because the rooms are easily cleared out to make room for the shots to be taken against plain coloured walls and background so as to try and make the shot as authentic as possible, less like a house. 

Although filming at my house was not our first option it had a lot of advantages. A lot of filming was done with a pale coloured wall as a backdrop which meant that when filming we could experiment with shadows. We used fill lighting to create these shadows to give a sense of mystery and sexuality. Another advantage was that we could close the curtains to give an effect of night shooting although we could only arrange to film in the day. We found that because we were filming in a friends house, we felt more comfortable in acting the way we wanted to for the video and we were not as conscious of anyone watching us film. Most of the props and equipment we needed we gained from inside the house so we didn’t need to go out and buy or carry around equipment. One of the other advantages was that we only filmed in one room meaning that we have good continuity in our piece; it does not lose its fluency.

A disadvantage we found is that because of the realistic, monotone setting of the house, people may think, according to the Blumner and Katz theory (19734) that they are viewing the video for relation purposes but the video is intended for diversion or escapism purposes.

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